Doula Diaries: A Doula’s Guide to Nurturing Self-Care | Women's Histor | NOT A BAD LIFE 💐 Skip to main content

Doula Diaries: A Doula’s Guide to Nurturing Self-Care | Women's History Month Spotlight -Q&A with Amirah

Doula Diaries: A Doula’s Guide to Nurturing Self-Care | Women's History Month Spotlight -Q&A with Amirah - NOT A BAD LIFE 💐

Everyone say hello to Amirah. Doula. Boy Mom. Love and Community Advocator.

Not A Bad Life: Thank you for joining us * even though it’s virtual and already written lol * I was excited to interview you because through conversation with you, I’ve learned so many things about doulas. To keep it short. I knew nothing.

Like for one, I thought Doulas only support home births. That’s not true at all. It’s WAY more than home births. 

What is another common misconception regarding doulas? And can you share a few benefits of doula services?

Amirah: I think there's a fair amount of misconceptions because doulas are still pretty niche and not a lot of people know about us. Another common one is that doulas will help deliver your baby instead of a doctor.

Doulas are not medical professionals. We can't give any medical advice BUT we can chat with you and help you come up with questions to ask your doctor.

Some benefits of doula services:

  • A non biased, non judgmental support person through your pregnancy.
  • Doula services also improves maternal health outcomes like lowering your chance of a c-section.

Not A Bad Life: Along with those benefits, some doulas also aid in other areas of support like:

  1. Shorter labor
  2. A decreased use of pain medication during labor
  3. A decreased chance of delivering a low birth weight baby
  4. Doulas also play an integral role in the postpartum period — one study of Latina mothers found that those supported by doulas were more likely to have success breastfeeding their newborns and to delay first infant formula feeds

I feel like there is so much information that is going unnoticed when it comes to support for moms. 

Is there anything you know now that you wish you knew when you were a new mommy?

Amirah: SPEAK TF UP! But no, really. I was suffering in silence and I really didn't have to. Being a new parent is such a vulnerable and chaotic experience. I thought I had to know everything and when I didn't know something, I just would stay silent.
And that wasn't helpful for me or my baby. So, yea, speak up honey. There's nothing wrong with needing help. (I actually really love this question and I would also give myself the biggest, warmest and longest hug)

Not A Bad Life: I think support is one of the most important aspects of a community. Mothers go through so much mentally and physically while bringing in new life. 

NHS Inform reported 1 in 5 women by mental ill health during pregnancy, and the year after birth. Support and help is important during this beautiful and vulnerable time. Lack of support can lead to:

  • Parents and babies can have long-lasting mental health issues
  • Previous mental health problems are more likely to come back during pregnancy (NHS Inform)

If you don’t mind, can you give us ways we as a community can support moms, new moms, moms to be?

Ooooo, I love this question!

1. How to support a mom/birthing person that's pretty deep into being a parent...

  • Take those damn kids (if you can)
  • Or go to the house and watch the kids. I love a little break from my son, it allows me to pour into myself without mom guilt creeping up on me.

2. How to support new parents/parents to be:

  • Acts of service: If you have the capacity, give them some meals. Whether you cook them yourself or pay for a meal service. Babies require so much attention, it's easy to forget about yourself.
  • A great idea to support a pregnant birthing person is helping them get the baby's nursery together. Like putting the furniture together, washing and folding the clothes, etc.

3. How to support any parent in your life:

 No matter where they are in their parenting journey, is a genuine check-in. See how your folx are doing and give them a safe, NON JUDGEMENTAL, space to share.

Not A Bad Life: Any last words, thoughts, advice?

I think this is such an amazing thing you're doing. I'm super duper proud of you!

Last words...if you're reading this or however you are consuming this interview, look into birth workers and doulas in your area.

We are out there and share about them within your community! And Free Palestine, Free Congo and Free Sudan!

Not A Bad Life: And Haiti!


Click here to see Amirah's 5 self-care tactics.

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I loved this read! Really loved the conversation about how to support a parent! Great interview.

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