How to Find Yourself (Again): A Self-Care Guide On Getting Back To You | NOT A BAD LIFE 💐 Skip to main content

How to Find Yourself (Again): A Self-Care Guide On Getting Back To You

How-to-Find-Yourself-Again-A-Self-Care-Guide-On-Getting-Back-To-You - NOT A BAD LIFE 💐

Life is so fast paced, it’s easy to lose touch with yourself. Between the pressures of work, social obligations, constant information overload, the scrolling and comparing, you may find it hard to feel grounded. Reconnecting with ourselves is vital for our mental health and overall well-being.

Here are five steps to help you get back to who you truly are:


🧘🏾‍♀️ Protect Your Space

Your physical and mental space are sacred, and they affect each other. This means keeping your space clean is important.

Motherly explains that "Clutter can trigger the release of the stress hormone cortisol, which can increase tension and anxiety and lead to unhealthy habits." 

The constant messiness causes chronic stress, which sends you into this hamster wheel of no motivation land. 

Don't let the clutter win and keep you from enjoying your safe space.


🤞🏽Keep Promises to Yourself

Why do you keep promises to others and not yourself? Do whatever it is you want to do, and don't make any adjustments around it. Whether it’s going for a walk every day or setting aside time for a hobby, keeping those small promises helps build trust in yourself.

Research from the American Psychological Association shows that goal-setting and self-discipline can increase feelings of self-worth and overall mental health.


✨ Trust Your Gut

Trust yourself! Your instincts are powerful. Trusting your gut is a form of self-care that allows you to make decisions that align with how you truly feel.

Research published in the journal Psychological Science found that gut feelings often stem from prior experiences and can be surprisingly accurate when making decisions. The more you listen to your inner voice, the more confident you’ll feel in your choices.


 💐 Appreciate Your New Self

We’re constantly growing and evolving. Instead of focusing on who you used to be, take a moment to appreciate who you are now. Research proves that practicing self-compassion can improve mental health by helping you manage your emotions.

Head over to bestdaypsych to learn more about self-compassion, and how it effects your mental health. 


〰️ Getting back to yourself isn't always a one time thing. It is an ongoing process, but these steps are a great place to start. Remember, taking time for yourself isn’t selfish—it’s necessary for your mental health, self-care, and overall wellness.

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